Monday, August 11, 2008

HELP!!! We all need it.

The word of the day is HELP boys and girls :) Why is it when we need help we have such a hard time asking for it? I have a friend whose husband has been out of work for a few months and they have struggled more than she let people know. Today she was venting to me about not having $$ for groceries and just watching the stress pull her down hurts me to watch. I have been in the situation where you cannot feed your kids on your own because you just don't make enough $$ to pay for anything. So me being the pushy person i am decided to help her. No she didn't ask, why would she?? We never ask for the things we need. But because i care about her and i knew my Mom wouldn't mind i went and raided her pantry and freezer and took her some groceries tonight. She tried to argue with me but i wasn't hearing it!!!! I made it about me of course, LOL. I didn't do it for me but for her DUHHH. Because there was something in it for me, It made me feel good, really good. I did it memory of someone who just recently passed that i used to work with who was the nicest, comforting and good hearted people I have ever worked with. Robert Edwards. He suffered a massive stroke in the fall and struggled to try to recover but just couldn't. This man always had a smile on his face and heart, he worked two jobs so he could retire debt free and was always willing to lend a hand to someone in need and so in your memory Robert I will try to live my life like that. I will make an effort to practice random acts of kindness and expect nothing in return. We all love Robert and we will miss you every day. So in conclusion boys and girls, If you think someone you know is struggling give them a hand up, shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen and always pay it forward.


Kit said...

OMG!! You didn't tell me Robert Edwards passed away!! I am thinking about the correct Robert right? Short black guy, worked in Hardlines?? Other than that, yes, i truly understand your blog. I have been in the same situation as your friend and my mother took it upon herself to get a loan to help me and chris out. I think it is just hard to say help for ANYTHING in general!!

LilliGirl said...

OMG - I'm verclepdt! Verywell said and I'm so glad you did that!